The A.P. - Eggs on the Blackstone



  • 4 large eggs

  • 2 teaspoons The A.P. seasoning

  • 2 tablespoons butter or oil (for greasing the griddle and egg rings)

  • Cooking spray (optional, for the egg rings)

  • Fresh herbs for garnish (optional)


  • Preheating the Griddle:

    • Preheat your Blackstone griddle to medium heat.

  • Preparing the Egg Rings:

    • Lightly grease the egg rings with cooking spray or a small amount of butter/oil to prevent sticking.

  • Greasing the Griddle:

    • Once the griddle is hot, add a couple of tablespoons of butter or oil to the griddle and spread it around with a spatula to create a non-stick surface.

  • Positioning the Egg Rings:

    • Place the greased egg rings on the griddle and ensure they are stable.

  • Cooking the Eggs:

    • Crack an egg into a small bowl first to check for shell pieces, then gently pour it into the egg ring.

    • Repeat with the remaining eggs, one egg per ring.

    • Sprinkle The A.P. seasoning evenly over each egg.

    • Cook the eggs until the whites are set and the yolks reach your desired doneness. For sunny-side-up eggs, cover the eggs with a basting cover or a large lid to help cook the tops evenly. This should take about 4-5 minutes.

    • For over-easy or over-hard eggs, use a spatula to gently flip the eggs once the whites are mostly set, and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes (over-easy) or 3-4 minutes (over-hard).

  • Removing the Egg Rings:

    • Once the eggs are cooked to your preference, use tongs or a spatula to carefully lift and remove the egg rings.

  • Serving:

    • Transfer the cooked eggs to plates using a spatula.

    • Garnish with fresh herbs if desired.

  • Cleaning Up:

    • Allow the egg rings to cool before washing them with warm soapy water.

    • Clean the griddle as per the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Tips:

    • Uniform Cooking: Ensure the griddle is evenly heated to avoid hot spots, which can cause uneven cooking.

    • Covering the Eggs: Using a basting cover or large lid helps cook the tops of the eggs without flipping, ideal for sunny-side-up eggs.

    • Timing: Keep a close eye on the eggs to prevent overcooking, especially if you prefer runny yolks.

  • Enjoy your perfectly seasoned and cooked eggs on the Blackstone griddle, enhanced with the flavors of The A.P. seasoning!


Smoked, S’mor-ssants


The A.P. - Grilled Acorn Squash