Our Story

The R & R lifestyle started from a simple conversation.

Our co-founders shared their love of hunting and fishing, but finding spices to pair with game or researching recipes was difficult with work life balance. When they started talking to other hunters they found these issues were a common denominator. They also kept hearing the issue of waste of game. They thought a resource would solve so many problems.

With their military and first responder backgrounds, serving people comes naturally to them. Thus the dream of Ranch & Riffle was born. Rounding out the team with an expert hunter and a photographer /videographer, R & R is comprised of and expert team that believes in conservation, supports our veterans and bringing the hunt of the game to life for you.

  • Jo Stalnaker

    Prior to enlisting, RnR Founder Jo Stalnaker grew up fishing with his grandad and hunting with his step-dad. After nearly a decade overseas, he returned to the states to take on his next chapter, civilian life.

    “I don’t think civilians understand the transitional stress of leaving Active Duty. I think in that moment, a lot of us feel like we’ve lost our purpose” he explains. “I battled my mental-health for years before I rediscovered hunting…” “On a cold winter morning in Moscow, Tennessee, I found a peace in a deer stand, that I didn’t know I still had in me.”

    That’s when Ranch & Rifle was born.

    “We may be in the BBQ business, but RnR is dedicated to using Hunting, Fishing, and Cooking as an extra form of therapy for our Vets and First Responders.” -Jo Stalnaker

  • Brett Baurnfind

    It all started out for RnR Co-Founder Brett Baurnfind from birth growing up in a household where his father was a hunter. One of his best memories as a child was growing up with his father’s hunting dog “Bo”.

    Brett started hunting and fishing with his father as a young child and was hooked from there. Some of his early hunts were spent in Arkansas duck hunting with his father. Soon after his father lost the lease on the duck hunting ground in Arkansas, Brett and his father then turned to deer hunting on their land in Tennessee. Once Brett turned 16 and was able to drive, his passion for hunting took him to public grounds to chase the burning desire to hunt.

    After many years of hunting public ground Brett has had the opportunity to secure private hunting ground again in Arkansas where you can find him now. He will be chasing big deer in the fall on his land along the Mississippi River. Once the cold arrives, he and his hunting partner Drake will be chasing the duck and geese up and down the Mississippi flyway.

  • Saul Grosshuesch

    I am Saul G,

    As a kid we had the grill going all year whether it was Johnsonville sausages, venison, bear, or some fresh fish it was just a part of life. Hunting every fall/winter, with family and friends, while staying in an old army tent, harvesting in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest made for an adventure-filled childhood.

    I’ve visited AK and caught a halibut with my brother Tyler and his wife Sarah. While stationed in FL (the second time) I got to take my pops, Mark, on a red snapper charter, we ate well that weekend! After hunting during TN’s coldest weekend of Jan 2024 we enjoyed some venison and duck with the Ranch and Rifle team.

    We know that wild game, cooked well, with great seasonings brings people together. We want to help create and capture those memories while enjoying meals with your family!

  • Cade Patton

    My name is Cade Patton, I am a bird hunter.

    I started when I was old enough to walk. I would wake up before my fathers alarm dress myself to the best of my abilities and beg my father to go with him. I was fortunate that my father saw this passion and helped me to explore it at every turn.

    I am a self taught turkey hunter and fortunate enough to have a dog with more talent in one paw and instinct in his nose than any wily coyote. I also enjoy cooking, my mother still tells me she thinks I snuck into culinary school while pretending to be a college student. Truth is I was hunting!

    I have guided and helped guide for some of the very best waterfowl guides anywhere in the US, it is one of the passions in my life that surely will never fade. I now only hunt for fun and enjoy traveling to chase many different types of table fare.

    You can usually find me in South Dakota for the million man march, and you can always catch me on the banks of the Languille river Opening weekend of the Arkansas Duck season. I've been as far north as Alaska chasing Salmon and Snapper and as far south as Panama where we handlined for yellowtail and grouper.

The RnR Family Photos