Pork Belly Burnt Ends


  • Any Traeger Smoker

  • 1-2 Wire Racks

  • Disposable Aluminum Pan



  • Preheat Traeger to 250 degrees.

  • Cube the pork belly into bite-sized cubes (1-1 1/2 inches).

  • Season meat generously with Ranch & Rifle’s The BBQ Rub and Ranch & Rifle’s Hot Honey Rub, covering all sides.

  • Let meat sit with seasoning for at least 15 mins, before transferring to a wire rack.

  • Place rack with meat directly on grill (top rack seems to work better, if available).

  • Cook for an hour without opening the lid, then begin checking temperatures ever 30-45 minutes.

  • Pull once meat his 195 internal (typically takes around 3 hours).

  • Remove meat from wire rack and place into the aluminum pan. Cover and toss with your favorite sweet BBQ sauce and a little extra Hot Honey Rub.

  • Return the pan uncovered to the Traeger just long enough for the sauces to become tacky.

  • Let cool for 15 minutes and serve.



Dinosaur (Beef) Ribs


The BBQ Rub: 8-Hour(ish) Pulled Pork